Business Management Advice
Services are also available to your busines that allow the client to monitor performance and enable effective management decisions to be made.
Business can be analysed using tools which can identify potential errors and deficiencies in your business. By reviewing the following areas of business a successful assessement of your business can be conducted:-
- cash flows
- business performance
- structural reviews
- performance
- asset replacement programs
Management Consulting Services provide a wide range of high quality Management Consulting and IT based services that provide effective answers to the requirements for organisations.
Our aim is to provide advice and appropriate solutions for your business by the way of business methods and the use technology to enable your goals.
We can assist business by providing a wide range of services including:
Management Services and Strategic Planning
- Managing infrastructure and overall IT based issues
Project Services
- Business Process Design
- IT Vendor and Package Selections – Specification to Contracts
- Program Management / Project Management
- Package Selection and Implementation
- Determine the right Solutions:
> Inventory
- Distribution and Manufacturing
- Fixed Assets
- Payroll, Finance
- Management Reporting / Business Intelligence
- E-Commerce Strategy and Implementation
- Exploitation of Internet/Intranet technologies
- Workflow Management
Risk Management
- Corporate Governance
- Risk Assessments
- IT security – web, privacy, security reviews
- Business Continuity Plans (BCP) Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP)
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